“Escapism” from a Christian Perspective

Thanks to one of my lovely friends from my college days, I recently got to read an amazing article that seemed to really encapsulate all of my ideas about “escapism” and the scorn that seems to come with that term in this day and age.

In his article, “Did Tolkien Waste His Life?,” Jon Bloom discusses Tolkien’s world, how comprehensive it is, and the purpose that it and other stories can have in a Christian life. I have to agree with him that “The best make-believe stories help us better understand the real world. And in our day, such stories are needed more than ever.” Most stories, like Tolkien’s, can help remind us of lessons such as the importance of mercy, sacrifice, and loyalty. They help us to see beyond ourselves in a world full of “selfies.”

I could go on, but I think if you are intrigued, you should read the article yourself! I would love to hear what you think of it.

Long, Lacy Scarf

Wow! December sure did go quickly! It seems like I barely made it to Christmas break before I was heading back to school once more. I did, nevertheless, succeed in creating a few fun things, and I figured I would share one of my favorite patterns I found with you.

I present: The Primrose and Proper Super Scarf! TADA! I also highly recommend you check out the other patterns at Kirsten’s Knits (click on picture to go to her website). I know I am excited to try my hand at some of her free patterns!



Quiz: Which Reading Nook is Perfect For You? — Agatha Chocolats

Just a fun quiz for you book lovers out there on break! Have fun, and don’t be afraid to share what you got! (I personally got the window seat, which was perfect; I’ve no doubt this quiz, like all other things on the internet, is 100% accurate.)

Originally posted on Bethany House Fiction: It’s been a while since we had a quiz on the blog—and since every reader loves to dream about their ideal reading location, here’s a way to explore the book nook you wish you had! What do you think? Sound like a fun place to read? Feel free to…

via Quiz: Which Reading Nook is Perfect For You? — Agatha Chocolats

Veteran’s Day

It has been interesting to be an educator in South Dakota since the results of this most recent election have come into effect. It is hard to know what to tell my students when they ask me my opinion about what happened. The one thing that I do not hesitate to say, though, is that no matter who a person may want to attain the presidency, it is especially important now to support our country in the midst of this turmoil. We must all remember that, at the core of it all, we are all Americans.


This sentiment resonated with me today at my school’s Veteran’s Day program. All of the classes K-12 took part in honoring our warriors, and I could not have been more proud of them. I hope that they understand the sacrifice that these men and women have made, and I hope that they use this reminder to hold onto what is important in the coming months.

New Project Inspiration

Hello everyone! I admit that will Halloween coming up tomorrow, my brain and time have been used mostly for coming up with fun ways to celebrate the holiday. Nevertheless, Christmas will be here sooner than we can know, so I also need to get cracking on some fun gifts!

Continuing in that line of thought, I have bought quite a few gifts already so that I do not lose all my money at once, but there is something really special about a homemade gift. My boyfriend’s sisters are getting some fun drinkware complete with homemade dishcloths in accent colors. For my teacher friends, though, I was thinking that maybe some scarves are in order. That’s when I stumbled upon this gem:


So, what do you think? I know I can’t wait to get my hands on some yarn to try it out! (Click on the picture above to get a link to the free pattern.) Cheers!

A glimpse of education today…

As a Middle and High school English teacher, I have to say that this profoundly hit home with me. In my years as an undergrad and graduate student, I dare not count how many professors told me they could not stand the lack of foundational skills they were seeing in student thought and writing. This article explains part of why that is, and the struggle that high school teachers face every day just to get out of bed.

Source: A Teacher’s Wish for Joy, Not Depression

Pumpkins Galore!

Why is it that often times as an educator one ends up busier on days off than on days when one works? Between catching up with family and making Halloween decorations, time off can be downright exhausting! At least there’s a lot of cool stuff to show for it, and I have some advice to pass along for anyone looking for decorating advice this Halloween.

First of all, glow in the dark paint is AMAZING! The website I found this idea on had lots of other great examples of things to do, but I loved the way my glow in the dark pumpkins turned out. They will be sure to attract lots of cute little witches and ghosts to the porch!


If you would like to do something similar or are looking for other fun ideas, please check out the awesome post I found at Eeriezone.com! Happy decorating!

Feeling Spooky

With the chill in the air and the leaves turning color, I have lately been getting super excited for Halloween. I can’t wait to camp out and greet all the little trick-or-treaters. I can’t wait to put out the six pumpkins/squash that I’m going to carve and decorate with glow in the dark paint! But I digress, since I the real purpose of this post is to share with you all my latest crochet project! Meet the boo crew:


While I am not yet done with this project to provide my own picture, I have found the pattern simple to read. It does take fiberfill, and instead of beads I have some fuzzy black pom-poms for the eyes. I can’t wait to get it finished! Should you want to try it yourself, you may find the free pattern here. Until next time, happy Halloween!